Candida Balanitis often occurs in men. The main symptoms include inflammation, pain at the tip of the penis, itching, and stinging. Additionally, those who have symptoms must always clean their genital area and should also undergo internal examinations for men at the clinic.
About Candida Balanitis That You Should Know
Candida Balanitis is caused by Candidiasis or Candida infection. The most common cause is a fungal or yeast infection from Candida albicans.
Candida balanitis are not sexually transmitted diseases, but they can be related to post-sexual behavior, such as not cleaning after sex.
Candida balanitis and Vaginal candidiasis are caused by the same infection, Candida albicans. However, in men, it usually presents with genital itching rather than vaginal discharge, which means it can be infected but the symptoms are not the same.
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If bacteria are infected, they can be transmitted through oral sex and intercourse. Inadequate cleanliness after sex can also contribute.
The doctor will prescribe antifungal drugs, which can be either oral or topical. The treatment will depend on the severity of the infection. Behavior modification may also be recommended.
Wear Non-Damp Clothing and Ensure Good Ventilation.
Hurry Up and Take a Shower Immediately: When you get home or after engaging in sweaty activities such as playing sports or being in hot and humid weather.
Avoid Spicy, Marinated, and Seafood Foods.
Go for a Health Check-Up or Internal Examination: Men should have regular check-ups at the clinic to monitor their health.
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Composer : Supansa Niewbopha, MD.
Last edited : 24/06/2024