The Causes of Ingrown Toenails. Symptoms and Treatment by the Doctor

The Causes of Ingrown Toenails. Symptoms and Treatment by a Doctor

An ingrown toenail occurs when your toenail develops down into the skin, which causes pain and wounds. The conditions can get worse and even get infections if the areas lack proper hygiene. Ingrown toenails are often found around the toes. In case there is pus, it’s advisable to see a doctor for appropriate ingrown toenail treatment.

What You Should Know:

What Are the Causes of Ingrown Toenails?

  1. Wearing overly tight shoes, which uncomfortably squeeze the feet. Also, shoes that don’t fit well into the foot shapes exert too much pressure onto the nails.

  2. Improper nail trimming, cutting nails too short or into the skin, as well as nails with sharp edges.

  3. The abnormal shape of nail or overlapping toes.

  4. The use of chemicals on the nails, such as nail extension and nail polish, can cause irritation and inflammation.

  5. Trauma or injuries of the toe, such as when the tip of the toe hits some objects, which are common in athletes.

  6. Certain infections, such as fungal infections.

  7. Health conditions that might cause swollen feet, including obesity, heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes.

  8. The nail areas lack proper hygiene.

Read more: How to maintain healthy nails & How to trim the nails correctly!

Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails.

Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails

  • Pain and red swelling around the nail.

  • Bleeding or pus coming out when pressing.

  • Pain while walking.

When to See a Doctor for Ingrown Toenails

Generally, if the symptoms are not severe, you can use handle it at home by trimming the troubled nail and maintaining cleanliness.

However, if it doesn't improve or a sign of infections is obvious (such as pus, severe pain, or the nail growing down deeply into the skin), see a doctor immediately.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails to Have Pus?

  • Leaving the troubled nail unattended without proper treatment for a prolonged period.

  • Certain health conditions that cause abnormal blood flow to the foot as found in diabetic patients.

Can Pus from Ingrown Toenails Heal on Its Own?

If ingrown toenails happen to have pus, there's an infection. Do NOT wait for it to heal on its own but see a doctor right away!

Do NOT try to remove the pus
using a pin or knife.
Do NOT bite your nails and
always keep nail areas clean.

How Long Does It Take to Heal Ingrown Toenails?

The duration of recovery depends on the severity and how well you treat it. Generally, the trouble can heal in a few days, but if there are complications, it can take weeks or months to heal.

Basic Practices for Ingrown Toenails.

Basic Practices for Ingrown Toenails

  1. Soak the foot in warm water 3-4 times a day, 10-20 minutes each time, to soften the nail so it can develop into the right way.

  2. Wear open-toed shoes until the troubled nail gets better.

  3. Wear the shoes that fit properly into foot shapes.

  4. Take pain relievers when necessary.

  5. Wrap the band-aid around the toe to reduce friction.

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Medical Treatments for Ingrown Toenails

Non-surgical treatment

If a bacterial infection is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or antifungal medicine, side by side with painkillers, including a follow-up appointment.

Surgical treatment 

The doctor might consider removing certain parts of the troubled nail or the entire nail if necessary.

Partial Nail Removal

Partial Nail Removal : This minor surgery involves the use of local anesthesia to ease the pain. Along with using antibiotics and painkillers, the ingrown part will be removed. The new nail will re-develop in 2-4 months.

Entire Nail Removal : If ingrown toenails persist or become thicker and grow deep into the skin, the doctor might consider the removal of the entire nail if the conditions become worse. Performing under local anesthesia, the infected tissue will be removed, and antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed.

“Both treatments allow the patients to go home worry free”

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If you encounter an ingrown toenail and suffer as it’s becoming more severe or has pus, see a doctor at Intouch Medicare for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Letting it heal on its own can take too long and might become worsened with infections, which can affect your daily routine.

The Cost of Ingrown Toenail Removal

The Cost of Ingrown Toenail Removal

  • Partial nail removal: Price starts at 1,200 THB.

  • Entire nail removal: Price starts at 1,800 THB.

Note: Costs for each patient may vary depending on the discretion and diagnosis of the doctor.

Nail Removal or Ingrown Toenail Treatment click 

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  Last edited : 29/09/2024
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