Gonorrhea is a Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) caused by unprotected sexual contact and exposure to infected secretions through oral, vaginal, or anal intercourse. Some individuals contract genuine gonorrhea, while others may have conditions with similar symptoms, which can vary.
Common symptoms of gonorrhea in women include a burning sensation during urination, pain during urination, and abnormal colored or odorous vaginal discharge. In men, frequent symptoms are a burning sensation when urinating, pain during urination, and the discharge of white, yellow, or green pus from the penis.
Many wonder if gonorrhea can resolve on its own. It cannot; diagnosis and treatment by a medical professional are necessary. Treatment for gonorrhea may include injectable or oral medication, depending on the individual's symptoms. Successful treatment of gonorrhea requires patient cooperation. Affordable gonorrhea testing is available at local medical clinics near your home.
The risk of contracting or becoming infected with gonorrhea is significantly high if one has multiple sexual partners or engages in unprotected sexual activities, whether vaginally, anally, or orally. Additionally, individuals with a history of gonorrhea are at risk, as the infection can be transmitted even when symptoms are not yet present.
Currently, there is a rising trend in infection rates, and many people mistakenly believe that gonorrhea can resolve on its own. However, proper medical diagnosis and treatment are essential.
Picture of gonorrhea in women and picture of gonorrhea in men. Look at the example!!
If you notice any of the mentioned symptoms, you should consult a doctor and bring your sexual partner for testing as well. Moreover, if your partner has been diagnosed with gonorrhea, you should also get tested, even if you have no symptoms.
Approximately 50-90% of women and 10% of men infected with gonorrhea may show no symptoms at all.
Men typically experience urethritis with symptoms like painful urination and discharge. Women may suffer from cervical inflammation characterized by abnormal vaginal discharge and bleeding, accompanied by painful urination.
Anorectal infections often present no symptoms, but when they do, discomfort during bowel movements and discharge or bleeding from the rectum can occur.
The price for a gonorrhea test ranges from 3,390 to 4,990 baht. The cost of treatment for gonorrhea depends on the symptoms and severity of the disease. There are specific packages for women interested in an internal examination and cervical cancer screening, which includes a gonorrhea test as well.
Genuine gonorrhea is caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, with an incubation period of 2 to 5 days. In women, it can lead to inflammation of the urethra and cervix, resulting in discharge from the cervix. In men, it can cause a painful, inflamed, and burning sensation during urination, accompanied by discharge from the urethra.
False gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and has a longer incubation period than genuine gonorrhea. It often presents with mild or no symptoms. Women may experience a yellowish discharge similar to leukorrhea, and the cervix may become swollen and red. Men may notice a yellowish stain on their underwear, with less severe symptoms than genuine gonorrhea but a tendency to become chronic if untreated.
The only certain way to avoid gonorrhea or sexually transmitted infections is to abstain from all sexual activity, including vaginal, anal, or oral sex. However, if sexual activity cannot be avoided, the following practices should be adopted:
Have a single sexual partner who has been confirmed to be free of gonorrhea.
Use condoms correctly every time you have sex
Not seeking medical treatment for gonorrhea can lead to serious and permanent health problems.
1. For women, untreated gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause complications such as:
Scar tissue formation blocking fallopian tubes
Ectopic pregnancy
Chronic pelvic/abdominal pain
2. For men, gonorrhea can cause pain in the lower abdomen and may lead to infertility in some cases. Untreated gonorrhea can often spread to the blood or joints, which can be life-threatening.
Interesting Articles
Guidelines for the specific treatment of gonorrhea, Siriraj Medical Journal
Guidelines for the treatment of gonorrhea 2019, Department of Disease Control
Gonorrhea 2013, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
Compiled by Renuka Maisuthisakul,MD.
Last Update : 20/11/2023