What are the pediatric vaccines according to age and side effects after injection?

Children’s vaccines are like a protective shield, a gift of love from parents. While the baby is still unable to take care of himself, vaccination is an essential way to strengthen his immunity, helping him grow up healthy, which will impact his future life. Ensuring your little one is fully vaccinated according to their age is something that must be given great attention.

Important Topics About Childhood Vaccines

Why do I need to take my child to get vaccinated?

Parents should bring their children to get vaccinated because the immunity of newborn babies is fragile and not strong enough. Although they receive some immunity from the mother, this immunity is short-lived. Especially if the baby is born prematurely, the immunity will be even less than that of a normal baby. Therefore, it is highly recommended to vaccinate. Other reasons why children should be vaccinated include:

  • Helps strengthen immunity for children in the long run.
  • Helps prevent the risk of disease or reduce the severity and death if infected.
  • Helps prevent childhood disabilities such as polio.

What are the vaccines for children?

Vaccines that children can get are as follows:

What are the vaccines for children

  • BCG Vaccine to Prevent Tuberculosis
  • Diphtheria Vaccine – Tetanus Vaccine – Smallpox Vaccine
  • Poliovirus Vaccine: Protects against neurological diseases such as limb weakness and paralysis.
  • Hib Vaccine: Protects against meningitis, sinus, and bronchial diseases.

Vaccinating Children

  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: Protects against viruses that cause liver infection and inflammation.
  • Measles-Rubella-Mumps (MMR) Vaccine
  • JE Encephalitis Vaccine: Prevents encephalitis caused by the JE virus, transmitted to a person by a black mosquito or nuisance mosquito bite.
  • Rota Vaccine: Prevents diarrhea caused by the rotavirus. This vaccine is administered orally.

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Combined Disease Vaccine

  • Vaccines for 6 diseases: Diphtheria vaccine, pertussis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, polio vaccine, Hib vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine.
  • Vaccines for 5 diseases: Diphtheria vaccine, whooping cough vaccine, tetanus vaccine, injectable polio vaccine, Hib vaccine.
  • Vaccines for 4 diseases: Diphtheria vaccine, pertussis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, injectable polio vaccine.

Basic childhood vaccines that all children need to receive.

Basic childhood vaccines that your baby should receive

Basic childhood vaccines, which all children need to be vaccinated, can be divided into child vaccinations according to age as follows:


  • Newborn children should be vaccinated with BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin).

Infant 2 months

  • Diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough-hepatitis B-Hib (1st vaccine for 6 diseases)
  • Polio (1st injection)

Infant 4 months

  • Diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough-hepatitis B-Hib (6 diseases vaccine, 2nd dose)
  • Polio (2nd instillation/injection)

Infant 6 months

  • Diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough-hepatitis B-Hib (6 diseases vaccine, 3rd dose)

Infant 9 months

  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine (1st MMR)
  • JE 1st Vaccine

Child 18 months (1 year 6 months)

  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine (2nd MMR)
  • Vaccines for 5 diseases (diphtheria – whooping cough – tetanus – injectable polio vaccine – Hib)

2 years old

  • JE Encephalitis Vaccine (2nd JE)

4 years old

  • Vaccines for 4 diseases (diphtheria – pertussis – tetanus – injectable polio)

10 years old

  • Diphtheria-tetanus (DT) vaccine


(1) If MMR vaccination has not been received at 9 months of age, follow up as soon as possible.
(2) The earliest age for the first dose of the Rota vaccine is 6 weeks.
(3) The second dose of the Rota vaccine should be given to children up to 24 weeks of age, with an interval of at least 4 weeks between doses.

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What are the booster vaccines for children?

Booster vaccine for children is an alternative vaccine that can be injected further. The booster vaccines recommended by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand are:

What are the booster vaccines for children

  • Pneumococcal vaccine (conjugate type)
  • EV71 vaccine
  • Hepatitis A vaccine
  • Chickenpox (VZV) or combined measles-mumps-rubella-chickenpox vaccine (MMRV)
  • Influenza Vaccine
  • HPV Cervical Cancer Vaccine
  • Dengue vaccine
  • Rabies vaccine (injection before exposure)

Is it necessary to get a booster shot?

Booster vaccines might not always be necessary due to their high cost. However, they can be a good option for those who want to enhance their baby’s immunity.

Recommended booster vaccines:

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  • The influenza vaccine can be administered to individuals aged 6 months and older. It is particularly recommended for children under 5 years old and those with heart disease, chronic lung disease, asthma, obesity (BMI greater than 35), immunodeficiency, or chronic diseases.

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  • The HPV vaccine can be administered to both men and women aged 9-26 years to prevent diseases caused by HPV, such as cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, genital warts, testicular cancer, and others. This vaccine is most effective when given to individuals who have never had sexual intercourse. For those over 27 years old, additional considerations on a case-by-case basis are necessary.


  • The rabies vaccine can be administered from 2 months of age and is suitable for individuals at risk of infection, such as those with pets that are mammals (e.g., dogs, cats) or those in environments with mammals where there is a risk of being bitten or scratched.

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  • The pneumococcal vaccine (IPD) can be administered from 2 months of age to help prevent invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). This vaccine is particularly important for children with underlying conditions such as lung disease, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, etc. It is also recommended for people who are immunocompromised, have a cerebrospinal fluid leak, live in an environment where people smoke, and for young children under the age of 2.

Children’s Vaccination Prices

Vaccinations for children by age range

Side effects of the pediatric vaccine

Side effects of the pediatric vaccine may occur after injection. The symptoms that parents need to watch out for are:

  • Pain, swelling, and redness at the vaccination site
  • High fever and fever lasting more than 2 days
  • Excessive coughing, panting, runny nose, and rash on the body
  • Seizures

“However, if severe or unusually long-lasting symptoms are found, parents should take their baby to the doctor as soon as possible   for immediate examination and treatment. If left unattended, it may be dangerous.


Advice if your baby has a fever after receiving the vaccine

  1. Regularly wash your baby’s body.  Toweling can help reduce the fever. Do not use cold water or alcohol to wipe, as this may cause the fever to rise.
  2. Give antipyretic drugs, such as paracetamol, during fever symptoms.
  3. Have your child wear light clothing to help cool down.
  4. Ensure your baby drinks enough water.

Is it okay not to fully vaccinate children?

If a child is not fully vaccinated, it is considered very dangerous.  Childhood vaccines protect against severe and life-threatening diseases. These diseases are rare today because most children are vaccinated. If your child is not fully vaccinated, there is a higher chance of contracting diseases that should be easily preventable and experiencing severe symptoms.

Prepare your baby well befor vaccination

Preparing to take your baby to get vaccinated

  1. Parents should always bring their child’s vaccination diary  with them when receiving a vaccine.
  2. Do not get vaccinated if your child has a high fever or acute illness, except for colds or diarrhea without fever.
  3. If your child has an allergic reaction to any medication or food, inform your doctor or nurse before getting vaccinated.
  4. After the child has been vaccinated, do not go home right away. Wait at least 30 minutes in the clinic to observe for any allergic reactions.

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I forgot to take my child to the vaccination appointment, what should I do?

If parents forget to take their children to their vaccination appointments. You should consult your doctor to follow up with vaccinations until the criteria are complete. Because each type of vaccine has a different injection period.

How long can the vaccination appointment be postponed

How long can a vaccination appointment be postponed?

The postponement period for childhood vaccinations depends on the type of vaccine and which germs are being protected against. Some can be re-injected, while others may need to be restarted from the first dose. Therefore, it is recommended that parents consult a doctor before postponing an appointment.

“If possible, the baby should be taken to the basic pediatric vaccination appointment for the baby’s safety.”

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Vaccinating children on time and in accordance with the prescribed schedule is like building a protective shield with the love that parents have for their babies.

Parents can bring their children to get vaccinated at Intouch Medicare Clinic. You can search for ‘Childhood Vaccination Near Me’ on Google


  • The Thai Child and Adolescent Vaccination Schedule 2024, recommended by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand.

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Latest edit : 26/10/2024

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